SICA - Ambassadors' Club of Israel Connecting Ambassadors and Consuls to Israel Mon, 04 May 2015 14:10:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Breakfast in Honor of Ambassador of Honduras Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:40:59 +0000 Friday, November 21, 2014, a breakfast in honor of H.E. Jose Isaias Barahona, Ambassador of Honduras, was hosted at the Dan Accadia Hotel in Herzliya Pituach. Present at the breakfast were Mr. Yoram Naor, Honorary General Consul of Belize and president of SICA in Israel; H.E. Susana Gun de Hasenson, Ambassador of El Salvador; […]

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On Friday, November 21, 2014, a breakfast in honor of H.E. Jose Isaias Barahona, Ambassador of Honduras, was hosted at the Dan Accadia Hotel in Herzliya Pituach.

Present at the breakfast were Mr. Yoram Naor, Honorary General Consul of Belize and president of SICA in Israel; H.E. Susana Gun de Hasenson, Ambassador of El Salvador; H.E. Hector Aparicio, Ambassador of Panama; Mrs. Fanny Velazquez Gonzalez, Deputy Chief of the Embassy of Costa Rica; Mrs. Marcela Santana Guerrero, Counselor and Charge of Consular Affairs of the Embassy of the Dominican Republic and Mr. Yitzhak Eldan, President of the Ambassadors’ Club of Israel.

Mr. Yitzhak Eldan, on behalf of the Ambassadors’ Club of Israel, presented Ambassador Barahona with an award recognizing his contribution to better relations between Honduras and Israel. Mr. Naor, on behalf of SICA, presented Ambassador Barahona with an award recognizing his distinguished participation in the local SICA organization.

Media Coverage Ambassador of Honduras Receives Recognition Awards - Belize Consulate in Israel Embajador saliente de Honduras recibe premios - Aurora (Spanish)

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